Friday, August 26, 2011

PE 2011: Why I have to "tan" until tomorrow

It's cooling day. It's time to make some decisions between the Tan, Tan, Tan and Tan. Who is that "wan"tan to be Singapore's next elected president?

I have narrowed down by options to either TCB or TJS. I have already explained why I'm not supporting TT. Here I will explain why I am not voting TKL. He comes across as a sincere person who really wants to serve the people. However, I get the same feeling about TCB and TJS too. Unlike the other two, however, TKL looks and sounds least like an elected president. He also lacks that charisma of a stateman. In other words, he is out of running for me because of his appearance, communication skills and persona. His ideas and policies are also not too far away from TCB and TSJ. In a way, his ideas and policies are in-between TCB and TJS. Therefore, it seems more logical to my mind to support either TCB or TJS. I don' like people who are neither here nor there. Well, this last sentence is perhaps a hint of my current inclination.Hopefully, I will have a "revelation" by tomorrow morning who shall be that "wan"tan to vote for. At the moment, I will have to "tan" (wait in hokkein)!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

PE: 2011 TT @ TOC Part 2

I had already decided before this forum that I was not going to vote for TT. However, after watching it, I will go one step further. I want to 'campaign' against him.

TT is probably a good man and in the past had been a good politician. But, he is simply not the right man for the job of the elected president. He is incapable of being independent. He just can't stop thinking and acting like the PAP. In fact, he appeared rather arrogant during the entire forum. He spoke as if he was going to win the contest. Perhaps he assumed he was already the elected president. He demonstrated a lack of patience and interest in answering people's questions. He spoke with the same PAP-elitist attitude of "we are the best and we know what is the best for you". This is surely not what we want and need. Moreover, because of his past connections, we cannot expect him to be the second key of our reserves. I can't see him being capable of questioning GIC or Temesak at all. In fact, it looks like he is in this presidential race for the purpose of being in the position of protecting PAP's interest. In the context of GE 2011, we need and want someone who will lead our country to a greater political maturity. I have nothing personal against TT. But he is just not the right Tan to perform the duties of the elected president. I am not voting for him and hope others will think carefully about it too.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

PE 2011: TJS and TT @ TOC Face to Face Part 1

At TOC Face to Face Part 1, I think it is true that TJS reacted rather poorly to firstly, TT's interruption and secondly, to the host's appeal to come back to the issue later. However, one must always keep in mind that he over-reacted precisely because he was and probably still is very passionate about the issue of the place and usefulness of ISA in Singapore. So, shouldn't we ask, are his arguments valid? As TT rightly pointed out, it is a serious matter that deserves serious consideration.

At the same time, shouldn't Singaporeans consider the reaction of TT during the forum? Did TT really present himself better than TJS? Personally, I prefer someone who might be overly-passionate about what is right than someone who is cold and evasive about everything. Also, it was him who interrupted TJS.

Therefore, if the race is between TT or JS, the choice is clear. Unfortunately, or fortunately, there are 2 more Tans in the contest.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

About Me

My Poilitical Poistion
I am a Singaporean who has always been concerned with our society. But I was truly encouraged by GE 2011. Both the process and outcome of GE 2011 made me proud to call myself a Singaporean. I am not anti-PAP. I believe that they have done an excellent job in building up this small nation and is still doing a decent job governing this little red dot. However, I agree with the call of the opposition, especially by the WP, for more alternatives in Singapore's political landscape. I think that we can do better in today's complex world and we need a different form of government to be better prepared for the uncertainties of tommorrow. Therefore, my political poistion is that I am not against the men in white but I am for alternatives. THis does not mean that I would not support the PAP. The men in white are currently undergoing renewal. If they manage to find viable alternatives to revinvent themeselves in order to better govern tomorrow's Singapore, why would I not want to support them? On the other hand, if the light blue team or any other altenatives manages to prove themselves equally or more capable to take us further, why shouldn't we allow the men in white to step aside honorably? Whatever it is, what we all want is 'Majulah Singapura'!

My Purpose for blogging
Having been encouraged by GE 2011, and was excited by PE 2011, I challenged myself to being blogging my reflections concerning some of the happenings to and in Singapore. This blog is not a propaganda. It is merely my desire to force myself to think clearler by "writing down" what I see and feel happening to my beloved country.